Why a Subpar Recovery?
The chop, churn and roller-coaster process continues. If you and I had taken a nap starting at the beginning of summer 2014 and had awoken yesterday afternoon, little would have changed. That’s…
The chop, churn and roller-coaster process continues. If you and I had taken a nap starting at the beginning of summer 2014 and had awoken yesterday afternoon, little would have changed. That’s…
June 9, 2014 – one year and 3.5 months ago is when the SPY first hit the number we closed at on Friday. This after a day of selling was unleashed by the nervous-nellies…
It is a backward world when we shiver over the perspective of a 25-basis point interest rate change. It is particularly distressing to see this when the market has already…
Markets have entered their next stage of a new trade range – just below the older trade range. Having washed out a vast number of investors, pushing billions and billions…
It is not abnormal to get some very nervous calls from readers when markets hit periods like we are witnessing. However, I am getting some very dark questions these days…
If you feel a bit jostled around – don’t fret – even most of the pros do and the “experts” as one can readily see, don’t have a clue either….
So here we are – the week that brings everyone back from the summer haze. It’s always a tough week – sort of like that feeling when you don’t get enough…
First, I wish you and yours a safe, relaxing and very enjoyable Labor Day weekend. It seems like just yesterday, I was wishing you a Happy Memorial Day. The latter starts…
OK, so if you were able to watch your latest two videos, we should be set for a series of expectations as the world trembles about the upcoming, possible, slight…
They say the worst thing you can do when you are in quicksand is to struggle. Efforts to get out quickly are for naught and end badly. At least that…
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